Monday, December 17, 2007

Here in My Room

So, here's the deal. My room is THE FUCKING LAUNDRY ROOM.
Yes, that's right. Instead of being able to roam freely as I wish about the outdoors, not only am I an inside cat, but my "home room" as some might say is the FUCKING LAUNDRY ROOM.
 We're not sure why this is our room, but I think my servants (synonymous with owners) had their last cats in the laundry room also and were too lazy to give us another. Well F*** that!! It always smells like dirty clothes and the dryer is scary as hell! I don't even eat out of a bowl... they put my food on the ground for me like I'm some kind of wild animal. My toilet is a plastic purple box with "sand" in it. What am I a fish?! Damn right I'm not a fish, I eat those!!

Anyway, I just think that I shouldn't be cooped up at night, especially once I get my lady cats in through the garage door. They keep complaining that there's not enough room to get a dancing party started in the 10 ft x 10 ft LAUNDRY ROOM

 What if you lived in one? Would you be excited to retire at the end of the day? NO. Would you happy to be locked inside with no escape for meals and to make bowel movements? NO. Therefore, I ask you today to consider this: if you, too, had to reside in a dirty, smelly, cold, small room, would you truly be happy?

Until next time something shitty about my life comes to mind,

1 comment:

Cameron said...

i clicked a few times on your ad. i want one like that, and all of his ads should be stuff like viagra haha